Theme: "Swami and I (SAI)"
"Sai principle 'S' stands for Sai, 'A' for And and 'I' for the sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) himself. Thus SAI in fact symbolises the Vedhic dictum: Thath thwam asi (Thou art that). In the first stage the sadhaka says, 'I am in Sai,' in the second stage, 'Sai is in me, ' and in the third and final stage, 'Sai and I are One,' the duality between the two having been shed. When truth strikes the individual like a streak of lightning in the midst of dark clouds, and abides, it confers Bliss, and in that moment of illumination Om is revealed in all its grandeur". - Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 14 (1978 - 80)